Be Recognized

Over the years we have received the generous support of community organisations, individuals, industry and government bodies who each have gifted towards scholarships, prizes, or donated funds via our Giving Funds.

We are particularly grateful to our donors for their continued generosity and commitment to supporting the University of Saint Joseph (USJ). With the support of donors like you, we are able to build new facilities and add innovative technology to the campus to increase student success, help disadvantaged students access scholarships, support cutting-edge research, contribute to the growth of our library collections, etc. Although every donor has a personal reason for giving, the outcome of each gift is the same – transformation.

Donors Wall

A permanent Wall serves as a recognition for all the donors and benefactors that have continuously supported and contributed to the development of USJ and its students

Scholarship Donors

The University holds a special ceremony where the donor receive acknowledgement letters and where appropriate, individual students personally thanks the donor and explain the importance of the financial aid which they have received.

Annual Donor Report

The University USJ Annual Donor Report recognizes donors who give to the University and provides a comprehensive description of donations for each fiscal year.

Naming of Tangible Assets

To honor the University’s most generous supporters and acknowledge the commitment and leadership of our major donors, the University offers naming opportunities of tangible assets (buildings, physical spaces or equipment, etc.). A commemorative plaque or name, etc., will be featured in a prominent location near the entrance of the named site, or any other appropriate location, becoming a permanent fixture and mark of recognition.

The Fellow of the Chancellor’s Court of Benefactors of the University

The distinctive donor recognition “The Fellow of the Chancellor’s Court of Benefactors of the University” has been established to honor the University’s most generous donors and supporters who demonstrates significant and long-term commitment to the University.