“Thank you for investing in my future”
Scholarships are crucial to helping the University of Saint Joseph (USJ) attract and retain the brightest and best students. As the cost of providing a world-class education continues to rise, scholarship support is become more important than ever.
When you make a gift to USJ Scholarship Fund or to the Faculty of Religious Studies and Philosophy, your contribution will help provide financial support for a number of deserving students, priests, sisters, and lay people; attract a diverse student body; provide opportunities for top students to attend USJ; and increase student retention.
USJ Scholarship Fund
Your generosity will provide critical financial assistance to students struggling to meet the cost of the USJ fee, and provide relief and support to students facing unforeseen hardship.

Religious Formation
The Faculty of Religious Studies and Philosophy (FRSP) at USJ offers programmes for those who are preparing for a particular ministry or for critical research in any of the fields of theology, philosophy, spirituality and religious studies.